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SEE offers a unique opportunity – an international adventure in learning for student teams to experience modeling and simulation (M&S) interoperability.  Teams share a memorable interactive problem-solving experience in simulating a space mission.  For example, one past SEE event had an overall theme of a virtual resupply mission to the Moon. While working with SEE, student teams use the latest industry software and NASA content.  Each team selects what it wants to create, such as a simulated activity that’s related to the overall SEE theme that year.  For example, when the theme was a lunar landing, one team created a new simulated astronaut transport vehicle, another team simulated a moon base with living and working quarters, and another team simulated a mining operation on the Moon.  During the annual SEE event, all teams’ simulated systems worked together (interoperated), exchanging data in real-time.

SEE simulates professional M&S methodology demanding a solid effort among interdisciplinary, and dispersed, diverse teams – something few classes can offer students.  SEE enhances students’ employability & job readiness for work in a green, recession-proof industry that is creating jobs to power the economy and make a better world.  SEE engages students in a strong professional network, and increases their credibility and visibility in the job market.


Read the Team Requirements

Start a SEE Team and simulate space activities with other teams.
Click the rocket to blast off with SEE!!

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